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01. In a bag, there are coins of 25 p, 10 p and 5 p in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3. If there is Rs. 30 in all, how many 5 p coins are there? 
A. 50 B. 100
C. 150 D. 200

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 150


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02. If 40% of a number is equal to two-third of another number, what is the ratio of first number to the second number? 
A. 2 : 5 B. 3 : 7
C. 5 : 3 D. 7 : 3

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 5 : 3


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03. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a college is 7 : 8. If the percentage increase in the number of boys and girls be 20% and 10% respectively, what will be the new ratio? 
A. 17 : 18 B. 21 : 22
C. 8 : 9 D. Cannot be determined

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 21 : 22


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04. Seats for Mathematics, Physics and Biology in a school are in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. There is a proposal to increase these seats by 40%, 50% and 75% respectively. What will be the ratio of increased seats? 
A. 2 : 3 : 4 B. 6 : 7 : 8
C. 6 : 8 : 9 D. None of these

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 2 : 3 : 4


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05. Raj started off with a business with a capital of Rs.60000. Later he was joined by Kishan with Rs.40000 as his share. If Kishan received 1/3rd of the total profit after 1 year, for how many months did he invest?
A. 8 B. 4
C. 3 D. 9

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 9

Let Raj’s share be X and Kishan’s share be Y.
X : Y = 2 : 1 = 60000*12 : 40000*t ….(where t is number of months Kishan invested his money)
2 : 1 = 72 : 4t
36 = 4t
t = 9

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06. Sanjay, Manohar and Harpreeth rented a field for cattle grazing for Rs.2700. Manohar grazed his 12 cattle for 15 days, Sanjay grazed his 20 cattle for 30 days and Harpreeth grazed his 10 cattle for 12 days. Find out the share that Manohar paid as rent.
A. 1800 B. 360
C. 540 D. 900

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 540

Let the share of Sanjay be X, of Manohar be Y and that of Harpreeth be Z
Therefore, X:Y:Z = 20*30 : 12*15 : 10*12
= 600 : 180 : 120 = 10 : 3 : 2
Now, 10a+3a+2a = 15a = 2700
a = 180
Manohar ‘s share is Y = 3a = 3*180 = 540

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07. In a partnership for a business, Jay invests Rs.6000 for complete year & Anuj invests Rs.3000 for 6 months. What is Anuj’s share if they earn Rs.240 as profit?
A. 120 B. 80
C. 192 D. 48

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 48

If A invests amount C1 for T1 time and his share of profit is P1, and B invests amount C2 for T2 time and his share of profit is P2, then, C1 * T1 / C2 * T2 = P1/P2
If P is the Anuj’s share of profit, then Jay gets (240 – P)
Therefore, 6000 * 12 / 3000 * 6 = (240 - P) / P = 72/ 18 = 4
4P = (240 – P)
5P = 240
P = 48

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08. Two kinds of rice, 1st costs Rs.13 per kg and 2nd costs Rs.19 per kg are mixed together. Find the ratio in which the 2 types are mixed so that the mixture costs Rs.14.2 per kg?
A. 3:1 B. 4:1
C. 3:4 D. 4:3

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 4:1

Let the total quantity of mixture be 1. If quantity of 1st type is x then quantity of the 2nd type will be (1-x)
Therefore, 13x + 19(1-x) = 14.2
13x -19x + 19 = 14.2
4.8 = 6x
x = 0.8 ; (1-x) = 0.2
Therefore, the ratio is 0.8 : 0.2 = 4:1

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09. If the ratio of present ages of krupa and Jay is 5:7 and after 6 years the ratio will be 3:4, what is the present age of Jay?
A. 42 B. 30
C. 36 D. None of these

Answer and Explanation

Answer: 42

As the present age of krupa and Jay are in the ratio 5:7, let their ages be 5x and 7x respectively.
Therefore, their ages after 6 years will be (5x+6) and (7x+6) respectively.
Now, it is given that (5x+6)/(7x+6) = 3/4
4*(5x+6) = 3*(7x+6)
x = 6
Hence, the present age of Jay is 7x = 7*6 = 42 years

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10. The addition of two numbers is m and their quotient is y/z. The two numbers are:
A. y, z B. my/z, mz/y
C. m/(y + z), m/(y – z) D. my/(y + z), mz/(y + z)

Answer and Explanation

Answer: my/(y + z), mz/(y + z)

Let the numbers be a and b.
Therefore, (a+b) = m; a/b = y/z
a = yx, b = zx
(a+b) = (yx + zx) = (y+z)x = m
Therefore, x = m/(y+z)
Hence, a = my/(y+z); b = mz/(y+z)

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